HSRR Sues LAPD For Brutal Assault On Innocent Man

On October 24, 2012, Dan Stormer and Joshua Piovia-Scott, of Hadsell Stormer Richardson & Renick, LLP, filed a lawsuit against the Los Angeles Police Department on behalf of Bruce Faraon. Mr. Faraon, a 40 year old man who was born and raised in the Echo Park neighborhood of Los Angeles, was brutally assaulted by the LAPD while walking home from work and then held in jail for five days despite his innocence. The attack took place in broad daylight front of Mr. Faraon’s home and was witnessed, and videotaped, by Mr. Faraon’s mother, friends and neighbors. The officers repeatedly struck Mr. Faraon in the face and body, tackled him to the ground, chocked him until he couldn’t breathe and threatened to shoot him. Charges against Mr. Faraon for resisting arrest were dropped.

The lawsuit has received extensive media coverage:







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