NBC 4 Los Angeles Picks Up HSRR’s Police Brutality Case

The recent case of Daniel Johnson, a young African-American Berkeley graduate who was brutalized and tased in his front lawn, was featured on LA’s NBC 4 news segment on Saturday, February 8, 2014.

Johnson is suing the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department as well as two individual deputies for police brutality, alleging that the deputies tasered him repeatedly in the genitalia. The deputies took this unnecessary action when Johnson attempted to help his disabled father, who had been stopped by the deputies in front of his home for dropping a lit cigarette on the ground.

Josh Piovia-Scott, a partner of HSRR, is handling the matter.

“It is absolutely outrageous that in this day and age an innocent man can be brutally assaulted by Los Angeles County Sheriff Deputies in front of his own home and then arrested” said civil rights attorney Piovia-Scott. “These officers need to be held accountable for this unprovoked attack on an innocent man.”

More information and a video of the segment is available here:


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