Calls For Community Unity At Memorial Of Charly Keunang

Funeral services were held this past Saturday, May 16, 2015, for Charly Leundeu Keunang, an unarmed homeless man who was shot and killed by LAPD officers in early March. HSR partners Dan Stormer and Joshua Piovia-Scott represent Mr. Keunang’s family in their lawsuits against the LAPD in connection with the killing. Family, friends, community and church leaders, arrived at the Holman United Methodist Church in Los Angeles to give their final respects to Charly while urging for change to the unfair practices of the LAPD.

View the coverage of the memorial service, the lawsuit, and the ongoing battle for change below:

LA Times –

ABC 7 Los Angeles –

CBS Los Angeles –

NBC Los Angeles –

Los Angeles Sentinel –

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