HSRR Files Groundbreaking Lawsuit Against Troubled Child Welfare System in Los Angeles County

On Wednesday, August 6, Hadsell Stormer Richardson & Renick filed a historic lawsuit on behalf of the non-profit organization Advokids and current and former foster parents against the Department of Children and Family Services alleging that DCFS regularly violates and ignores the rights of foster parents taking care of society’s most vulnerable children.

The lawsuit originates in part from the anguish and sense of powerlessness foster parents felt after the brutal murder in 2011 of a 2‐year old who’d been removed from foster parents who were not given the opportunity to voice their strong concerns about the safety of the child to the court.

Dan Stormer, an attorney for the group said, “On a daily basis justice is being denied to our children because of DCFS’ refusal to comply with the law. Children are being abused and are even dying because DCFS refuses to follow the law. They will not consider the input of the people who have the best information for the court to utilize in determining the best interests of the child.”

To learn more about the historic case, visit the links below:




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